Community Chest Spotlight: Mountain Goat Trail Alliance

Funding will help the MGTA promote and strengthen a culture of nonmotorized transportation here on the Plateau, leading to healthier and happier communities.
This week, we shine the spotlight on the Mountain Goat Trail Alliance.
The Mountain Goat Trail Alliance (MGTA) is committed to building a multiuse, multimodal walking and cycling trail connecting the Plateau communities along the path of the historic Mountain Goat Railroad. The MGTA raises funds to acquire property and construct the trail. In addition, the MGTA partners with public and private entities on programs and projects that enhance the well-being of the region.
MGTA is requesting $1,500 from the Community Chest to help with project-based support for beyond Sewanee, community aid, children and quality of life funding areas. Combining with other funding, MGTA plans to sponsor bicycle safety and promotion days at Sewanee, Monteagle, and Tracy Elementary Schools. The events would involve bicycle maintenance, riding lessons, helmet and bicycle giveaways, and other activities to encourage bicycling to school. Funding will help the MGTA promote and strengthen a culture of nonmotorized transportation here on the Plateau, leading to healthier and happier communities. This organization is entirely supported through grants and donations.
Since 1908, the goal of the Sewanee Community Chest has been to help citizens by funding the community. With Community Chest donations, local organizations provide for basic needs such as books, food, recreational spaces, elder care, children’s educational needs and more. The Sewanee Community Chest is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and donations are tax-deductible. Send your donation to Sewanee Community Chest, P.O. Box 99, Sewanee, TN 37375.