SCA Meeting Sept. 16

The Sewanee Civic Association will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 16, at St. Mark’s Hall, Otey Parish. Social time with wine begins at 6 p.m., and dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. The business...

MOU for the Park

The Elliott Park project is an important partnership between the SCA and the University of the South to benefit the community. MOUfortheparks IN BRIEF, the SCA is agreeing to: secure funding for the...

SCA Approves Elliott Park Agreement

$21,000 Remains to be Raised before Sept. 30 by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer At the special called meeting on Aug. 26, the Sewanee Civic Association (SCA) overwhelmingly voted to approve the...

Special Called Meeting for the SCA

A special called business meeting for the Sewanee Civic Association (SCA) will be held at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 26, in St. Mark’s Hall, Claiborne House, at Otey Parish. The meeting will...

Elliott Park Playground Project Deadline Nears

Fifteen years ago, Elliott Park was the place where schoolchildren and families gathered for play dates, birthday parties and Saturday afternoon get-togethers. There were swings, climbing structures, a sand box and many...

Animal Alliance Helps Sewanee-Area Pet Owners

In an ongoing effort to help control overpopulation of unwanted and abandoned dogs and cats across the Plateau, Animal Alliance-South Cumberland (AASC) has money available to help low-income pet owners who live...