Civic Association Meeting, Nov. 13, 2013

The last meeting of the Advent semester for the Sewanee Civic Association (SCA) will be held Wednesday, Nov. 13, at the EQB House. Social time with wine begins at 6 p.m., and...

Update on Historical Marker

The Tennessee Historic Commission has approved the historical marker commemorating the desegregation of Sewanee Public School, now Sewanee Elementary School. The two-sided marker should be in place at the end of January.

Community Chest Spotlight: F@H

F@H (Folks at Home) began as a grassroots project sponsored by Otey Memorial Parish. In 2010 the organization began its first full year of operation. Folks at Home is a local nonprofi...

Civic Association Meeting, Oct. 2

The next meeting of the Sewanee Civic Association (SCA) will be held Wednesday, Oct. 2 at the EQB House. Social time with wine begins at 6 p.m., and dinner begins at 6:30...

Community Chest Sets Goal for 2013–14

The board of the Sewanee Civic Association has set the goal for this year’s Community Chest campaign. “We received $142,250 in requests from 28 organizations,” said Theresa Shackelford, community chest steward. “These...