Support Scouting

The Sewanee Civic Association is the sponsoring organization of Cub Scout Pack 152, which has been in existence for 50 years. The purpose of the Cub Scout Pack is to prepare young...

Progress at Elliott Park!

The construction is near completion at Elliott Park. Installation of the playground equipment should begin at the end of October. The community build participation event is scheduled for November 7. More details...

Support the Community Action Committee

The 2015-16 Sewanee Community Chest Fund Drive is underway. The power of people helping people makes a difference in the life of our community. Sponsored by the Sewanee Civic Association, the Community...

SCA Meeting Oct. 14

by Leslie Lytle, Sewanee Mountain Messenger At the Oct. 14 dinner meeting of the Sewanee Civic Association, members and guests received promising updates on the Elliott Park Playground and the 2015–16 Community Chest...

Community Chest Drive Begins

The Sewanee Community Chest Fund Drive announces the beginning of the 2015–16 fund-raising campaign. This year’s goal is $100,000, which will provide aid to 25 community organizations. Sponsored by the Sewanee Civic Association,...

SCA Meeting Oct. 14

The Sewanee Civic Association (SCA) will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 14, at St. Mark’s Hall, Otey Parish. Social time with wine begins at 6 p.m., and dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. Dinner...

Elliott Park Playground Goal Reached

Thanks to the generosity of our community, the Sewanee Civic Association has raised the full cost of the Elliott Park playground equipment, as of Oct. 1. More than $56,700 has been donated...

Let’s Build a Playground

Three years of work, meetings, and discussions has come to this. The Elliott Park Playground project needs $4,536 in order to pay for the playground equipment and installation. More than 185 families...