SCA Meeting Report, 9-4-13

reprinted from the Sewanee Mountain Messenger Civic Association Hears About Marker at SES, Community Parks Planning by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer More than 50 people attended the Sept. 4 dinner meeting...

Playground Survey Results

There were 149 responses to playground survey. This is a brief summary of the most popular answers/rankings. How likely would your family be to use a park equipped with a children’s playground...

Sept. 4 Civic Association Meeting

The first Sewanee Civic Association (SCA) meeting of the year will be held Wednesday, September 4 at the EQB House. Social time with wine begins at 6 p.m., and dinner begins at...

Playground Survey

The children are back in school, the visiting relatives have gone home, and now we might reflect on entertaining children outside. If there is a child in your family who uses or...

Community Chest Request for Funds

The Sewanee Community Chest Fund Drive is gearing up for its fall campaign. Sponsored by the Sewanee Civic Association, the Community Chest raises funds for local organizations that serve the common good....

SCA Meetings

The purpose of this organization is to provide a forum for community issues and concerns. The association brings together community members for social and community awareness. The SCA is the sponsoring organization...

Community Service Award 2013

In keeping with a time-honored tradition stretching back 30 years, the highlight of the April 17 Sewanee Civic Association meeting was presentation of the Community Service Award. Choosing to recognize both an...